Many people would argue that poster advertising is a dying art form, but it can be very effective in some industries. Poster Perth advertising is most commonly used in entertainment to inform the public of the latest act or event held at a popular arena. Grocery stores, politicians and sort news of company may also use posters to advertise. Poster advertising is more effective in attracting visitors walking or driving in a high-traffic area.
We are look poster displays many times, in many
places, but it never really struck me that not only am they are a very
effective method of sharing knowledge, they also support staff engagement. Show
very useful posters advertise like bellow some point of advantages for posters.
1 Simple
Designs are best
People who are unfamiliar with marketing often
think that they should include as much information as possible on a poster. The
key to an effective poster design is large font and only basic information. In
marketing it is often said, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” If
advertising for an artist, the artist’s photograph, name, date, location of the
event and maybe one other piece of information will suffice for an effective
poster design.
2. Low Costs
The creative process of a poster involves a
copywriter, a graphic designer and a printer. You can hire a poster distributor
or simply hang the posters yourself. It is a simple process that won't cost an
arm and a leg. However, you need to be mindful of local laws that may prevent
posters from being displayed in certain areas.
3 Visibility
You can hang multiple posters in one location to
increase brand visibility. It's quite normal to see entire rows of the same
poster lining the side of a street or subway. Bombarding people with imagery
will ensure the message is going to sit in their heads long after they have
viewed the poster.
4 Repetition
When in a subway station, it's not unusual to
see the same poster more than once, sometimes even to the point of two posters
alternating along the platform. And why not? People tend to be exposed to
posters repeatedly in the same location. People who are part of a captive
audience, such as those riding a subway train or standing in line at a bank,
are going to look at the posters around them. Seeing the same message
repeatedly helps to drive that message home. Just remember to change the poster
occasionally so it doesn't become part of the scenery.
S&T Graphic Design and Colour Print are
providing cost effective distribution and servicing of posters Perth. Our Large Format Printing Services cover
indoor and outdoor full-colour posters, backlit panels, floor graphics,
banners, fabric banners, cassette banners, and external signage mounted on
metal or plastic.